Branch Awards and GBG Voting

For a member to be eligible to vote for a pub they must have drunk at least half a pint in that pub in the last 6 months. When the voting is complete then the pubs will be assessed for their beer scores in the National Beer Scoring System (NBSS) and the licensee and/or cellar manager will be assessed to see if they have been in post for 6 months.

Pubs of the Season

The branch holds quarterly awards for pub of the season at Doncaster and district levels. The Doncaster award is for all pubs within 6 miles of the Mansion house in the city centre. All other pubs are eligible for the district award.

The process starts by pubs being nominated at relevant branch meetings and those pubs can then be voted for by members within a defined time period. The winners are the pubs with the most votes. The social secretary will then arrange presentations at the pubs.

Good Beer Guide Voting and Pubs/Clubs/Cider Pubs of the Year

This voting process starts in September of each year and members will receive guidance on which pubs are eligible and how to vote. The last date for voting is midnight on the day of the AGM in November.

Garth Nicholls Award

The award is for recognition for all the work an individual has done supporting real ales in the branch area. Nominations can be made at a branch meeting and then voted on at that meeting.