IMPORTANT: Any events that require booking please contact the social secretary, Caroline, on 07722625299

12th – 15th February – CAMRA Winter Great British Beer Festival
Further details on the CAMRA Winter Great British Beer Festival at the Magna Science Adventure Centre in Rotherham.
- Bus service X3 (Sheffield-Meadowhall-Rotherham-Doncaster) stops on the main road behind Magna, this will be supplemented from around 4pm each day by a special shuttle bus service X3a from Rotherham Interchange and X3b from Meadowhall Interchange directly to the festival entrance. The shuttle bus fare is £2.50 payable to the driver by cash or contactless.
- More details at
Further details on the CAMRA Winter Great British Beer Festival at the Magna Science Adventure Centre in Rotherham.
- Bus service X3 (Sheffield-Meadowhall-Rotherham-Doncaster) stops on the main road behind Magna, this will be supplemented from around 4pm each day by a special shuttle bus service X3a from Rotherham Interchange and X3b from Meadowhall Interchange directly to the festival entrance. The shuttle bus fare is £2.50 payable to the driver by cash or contactless.

Saturday 22nd February – Minibus Trip to East Yorkshire
Catch the minibus from outside the Leopard at 2pm. Please let Caroline know if you are going. Cost £5 per person. This trip will include a double presentation of District Pub of the Year and Spring District Pub of the Season to the Jemmy Hirst at 3pm.